September 23rd, 2011

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Best Mini Video Camera

There is a brand new revolution going on in the small HD video camera market.

It’s the hands free revolution.  It’s a whole new way to record awesome video without the use of your hands. This type of technology is going to dominate in 2012.  The best way to record high def hands free video is using Pivothead video recording eyewear.  Pivothead has been a main attraction at the trade shows in 2011 and many retailers will be selling the glasses all over the US.  Pivothead will also have an online store (e-store) where people from all over the world can order the glasses.

They are extremely comfortable to wear and quite fashionable looking.  There is nothing else on the market that even comes close to these in terms of quality for either the glasses themselves or all the high tech working parts to record video.  3M gave them an innovation award in the winter and the “bestin2012″ site rated them as the best video camera for next year.

July 18th, 2011

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Business English - Best Way to Learn

In my honest opinion, business English is more about learning about business than it is about learning about English.  Most school programs and websites just don’t understand that.

They teach random vocabulary words that are related to business but don’t really talk enough about how to make money.  Anyone who cares to learn about business English wants to be more successful in their careers. It’s just common sense.

I’d like to recommend a free site that doesn’t look incredibly good but it has some useful and interesting content on it.  It will help you with your vocabulary, email writing skills, and explain some important concepts that many MBA students don’t fully understand.  Take a look at this website about business English and make sure you bookmark it.  It’s going to get better and better so you don’t want to forget about it.

June 28th, 2011

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Cool New Ways to Learn Spoken English

If you are using your own brain and not getting fooled by bad advice and by all the advertising from English language schools and all their fake promises, I’m sure that you will come to the same conclusion that I did.

Learning English in schools is dead.  Lot’s of people still do it, but they are wasting their money and they are wasting their time.  The results are really not great and there are much better ways now.  I don’t want to say anything bad about particular schools, but in general, it just does not make a lot of sense to go to one when you can use modern technology and a very low cost and great program to get even better results than you would in school.  The world’s best English teachers can teach a program online and you can download it to your Android, Ipod, Window’s phone, Ipad, or any mobile device.  You can use simple apps and listen and real along with real native speakers talking about cool stuff.

This will help you earn more money in your job, travel the world and speak more confidently with native English speakers, and make learning fun.

Think about this:  Most English teachers are not that good.  The salary is too low to attract top quality teachers.  They can speak English, but they can’t teach it well.  This isn’t true 100% of the time but it is true most of the time.  Most ESL teachers are doing it for fun or lifestyle.  They aren’t really professionals.  Even if they are great, it’s still a waste of money compared with going digital and getting great stuff online.

I have a great suggestion for the best way to learn English.

I’ve seen thousands of students use that program and they love it and actually improve quickly.  You can download everything and have fun learning, instead of watching the boring news or using some old program that is too formal and doesn’t teach enough cool slang.  I want you to speak like we do and I know this program will help you.  It’s super easy to use and you’ll love it.  If you can read most of this article, you will really be a perfect person for this.  It will challenge you but it won’t be too hard.  I’m sure.

May 29th, 2011

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Using New Technology to Learn English

The world changes all the time but most people don’t take advantage of these changes.  The ideas about language learning were so different than they are today because of advances in both the psychology of language learning and the improvements in technology.

Typical English schools where a teacher stands in front of a classroom teaching “face to face” English makes no sense anymore for several reasons.  2 reasons are that it’s too expensive and it’s a waste of time and energy to travel to a classroom when this can all be done using a computer and modern technology.

If you go to a store that sells electronics, most of the time what they show you will be cool.  These “gadgets” can do a lot more than they are showing you.  Ipads are not just for reading and games.  That’s how they sell them though.  They don’t talk about the possibilities of learning languages and stuff like that.  The reason I guess is that people want to buy electronics more for fun than for learning.  For some reason, people think learning is boring.

I am so excited about modern uses of cool new technology for English learning.  I’ll give you one example that I bet you never even thought of.  There are so many it’s crazy but let me start with one.

Use point of view video recording glasses to record your one on one English lessons and watch them over and over again.   If you hire a private English tutor, you can wear these video recording sunglasses to record the whole language with perfect video and sound quality.  Then you can have the lesson to watch and listen to again and again.  You won’t have to take a bunch of notes and you can pay attention better and learn more watching the lesson again and again.

The best point of view or POV video recorders are cool looking high def sunglasses.   I just checked out some reviews and I think you might find them interesting too for many reasons.  There are more sample videos to see for yourself on Youtube.  Go here to see all the videos:  Best Hands Free Video Cameras If you like sports and stuff, you will find these cool for traveling or videoing your kids or anything cool that you do in your life.  You don’t need your hands.

Here is one sample video below.  Just imagine that you can take your teaching giving you an English lesson and watch it on your Ipad, Iphone, TV, or Android phone.  Amazing!

May 23rd, 2011

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How to Learn Sports Vocabulary in English

Let’s face it. Even if you study English in university and read the newspaper and watch movies and whatever else, it’s impossible to learn all the special vocabulary that you need to know in real life. Sports vocab is just one example.

Your English might already be ok but you don’t know exactly how to use soccer, football, or basketball vocabulary when chatting with your native speaking friends. There is so many cool terms that make for great “guy talk”. Obviously girls might want to talk about sports too. I’m just saying, it’s one of those topics that men like to get into.

I’ve noticed that the words used by the TV announcers vary a lot from country to country. It’s not just that the words are different because the language is different. The whole way of talking about sports is different. In NBA basketball for example, some of the best American TV announcers are really smart and hilarious. They get ex pro athletes to do a lot of “trash talking” and make a bunch of interesting comments. A lot of this is like “super slang”. You’d never learn about it in school because schools love teaching boring stuff that isn’t used in daily life. That’s just how they work. It’s retarded but true.

Part of our goal with this website is to give you the full exposure to all kinds of special topics that can really help you speak comfortably about anything. You can download the lessons to your Iphone, Ipad, Android, or Iphone and you’ll learn a lot about sports. We’re guys so we love talking and teaching about tennis, nba basketball, football or soccer, ufc, and a lot of other sports. The slang we use in the lessons is perfect for understanding all of the announcing and it will help your spoken slang English a lot as well as learning all the slang specific to all the different activities that men, and woman, love to do for recreation.

January 13th, 2011

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Iphone - Best English learning tool

The Iphone is probably the best tool ever made for learning English.  An Iphone can be used in so many different ways it is unbelievable.  Most people don’t consider it to be amazing for learning ESL but it truly is.

First of all, you take your Iphone everywhere you go so you will always have it with you.  You can use it any time you have a spare few minutes.  It’s also an MP3 player and a book reader.  We make a really cool app that puts our MP3 podcasts with the PDF texts.  The Iphone is designed perfectly to read and listen at the same time.  The battery on an Iphone 4 or even 3G is outstanding.  It is very possible to use it for several hours before recharging.  If you listen to the native spoken English while reading the main phrases we talk about, your English will improve like you wouldn’t believe.  It’s like having amazing teachers in your pocket everywhere you go.  If you can get in the habit of listening for 30 minutes per day, even if that means 3 separate 10 minute study sessions, you will improve very quickly with this application.  You will find so much more study time without disrupting your day.  Our podcasts come out every week and we have several hundred.  Check out our homepage and start downloading now and studying when you have a few minutes.  This is really the future of language learning.

January 7th, 2011

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English learning for Android, Windows 7, and iOS

The new mobile operating systems will create huge opportunities for the English as a second language (ESL) market.  Operating systems like Google’s open source Android, Apple’s iOS, and Microsoft’s Windows 7, are getting more sophisticated all the time.  They are making the mobile smart phone and tablet computer market work.  These new interfaces make tiny devices easy to use.  Students can download PDF’s podcasts, MP3 lessons, and other apps.  They can organize these easily on their mobile devices.  PDF’s used to be almost impossible to read on a small screen, but now the Epub for the iOS and other Android and Windows 7 formats make reading actually possible.  If you read along with a podcast you can learn English at a rapid pace.

We make a fun podcast that is perfect for use on the Iphone, Kindle, Ipad, Ipod touch, and other Android or Windows 7 smartphones.  Samsung and many other large hardware companies make great stuff where our show can be used.  Millions of people in over 160 countries worldwide listen to our show and we get hundreds of emails everyday about how we’ve helped.  Go to our homepage to check out our facebook page to see comments from real people.  I learned Chinese this way and that’s what inspired me to change and improve the ESL market for students who already know some basic English but want to learn some cool slang and interesting topics.  These podcasts and apps work perfectly in the university, college, or private classroom too.

January 7th, 2011

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New Era of Mobile English learning

Multimedia interactive mobile devices like the Ipad and Iphone have the potential to dramatically change the English learning (ESL) industry for the better.  It wasn’t long ago that we had physical textbooks and cassette tapes.  This were limited and the content was boring as well.  Schools made most of this material since the market was so tiny.  For a variety of reasons, English teaching in the past has focused on grammar, vocabulary size, and very formal English.  This combo of bad and boring lessons made most students hate learning ESL.

Fast forward to 2011 and we’re in a totally different age.  The world is becoming global and people see the need for learning English as a second language for business, travel, and personal reasons.  MP3s, PDFs and mobile devices like the Ipad make a killer combo for learning a language.  Now you can download over a thousand hours of high quality audio and millions of pages of text.  For the first time, real people can publish lessons instead of relying on the school system.  It’s easier to enter this market because anyone can make a podcast, Ipad app, or lessons for the Iphone.  It’s free to put them on the Itunes store and other online app stores.  The internet is a huge international marketplace and there are millions of eyeballs on many products with no money needed for advertising.

Native speaking lessons along with written PDFs or Epub files are the best way to learn a language.  They are fun, casual, and really useful.  You can pick up a new language quite passively.  Tablet computers are becoming more affordable and internet speeds are increasing around the world.  The same lessons can be put on an Iphone too.  There will be a lot of competition in both the mobile hardware and software industries for years to come.  There will be more and more opportunities for students to download ESL lessons that are perfect for them.  The advanced learning market is a growing one that has been untouched.  Many students have basic English but don’t have the level of a native speaker and really want to improve.  The tablet computers and smart phones will provide the perfect environment for these people to learn.  The mobile payment system is getting better all the time too.  This will create huge consumer demand for English learning products as the developing world continues to get richer.   The international middle class is growing like crazy and they are moving and traveling to English speaking countries.  These people want and need to learn American or British slang to survive and enjoy their lives.  We focus on this market and make the best podcast and multimedia English lessons in the world.  Check out our homepage and sign up to our free VIP lessons to see for yourself.   These are great for individual students and work well in the ESL classroom as lesson plans.

January 1st, 2011

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Spoken English Iphone Apps

How can you learn to speak English fluently with the Iphone, Ipad, or Iphone touch?

Improving spoken English comes down to a couple of things.  First you need to learn the vocabulary and the speaking style of native speakers.  You can download apps for both the Iphone and the Android (as well as all other main mobile devices).  These ESL apps have podcasts and the written material that accompanies each one.  I’ve learned foreign languages and I learned that the key is listening to real native speakers and trying to imitate them.  The textbook style of language learning makes no sense because it’s simply not the way anyone speaks.  After you listen to enough hours, let’s say 100 or so, of native speakers talking about cool stuff and explaining the slang and idioms they use, you will naturally start to speak like them.

Foreign professors learn English the hard way.  They study from books.  It’s true that many of them have huge vocabularies, but when you hear them speak you can feel that it’s choppy and awkward.  It’s so obvious that they never hung out with native speakers in a fun daily life type of situation.  These apps can plug you into the world of real native speakers hanging out.  We do our absolute best to make the world’s coolest and most useful English lessons.  We have hundreds of talk show style MP3’s and PDF’s.  Many of them you can download for free.  Go to our home page and load up your Iphone or Ipod with a bunch of our free podcasts.  I guarantee your Spoken English, listening, and slang vocabulary will improve a lot in just a couple of weeks.  If you are preparing for tests like the TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS, your scores will go through the roof with this method.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

January 1st, 2011

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Learn English on Android

The Android app market is growing like crazy.  Google is selling about 300 000 phones per day.  This is driving a lot of demand for app makers.  A well made app is great for learning languages.  Apps are great for promotion.  Expect the English learning apps to grow in both number and quality over the next couple of years.  We are currently in the process of making an awesome ESL app for the droid.  We’re putting our podcasts and the transcripts onto an easy to use UI.

China232 is about a couple of brothers living in Shanghai who make an English learning podcast and are trying to change the way that English is taught to the world.  We believe that until now, most language programs are super outdated and boring.  When we listen to non native speakers speak, we realize there is so much room for improvement.  It’s all the fault of an outdated education system that focuses too much on grammar and not nearly enough on how English is really used by native speakers day to day.   Go to our homepage and check out some of our free podcasts.  We talk about daily life and teach the kind of slang you’d never learn in school or at work.  You’ll understand movies and conversations and jokes between real native speakers.  We’re using all cool methods and keeping up with the latest in technology such as making Iphone apps, Ipod touch apps, and using facebook and twitter.  Follow us and I guarantee your spoken English will improve like crazy.