213 – VIP – Rich and Poor

In this English lesson we talk about rich and poor people. Learn about big business and why the rich keep getting richer.

This is a
VIP Lesson

4 Responses to “213 – VIP – Rich and Poor”

  1. flaviobrunner Says:

    ThereĀ“s a problem with the site.
    When a close it, without logging out, and then later open it again, it says that I’m still logged in. But when I try to download a VIP lesson, it says that I need to log in.
    So I need to log out and then log in again.

  2. flaviobrunner Says:

    And I also can’t download a lesson using Google Chrome. Instead of downloading it, it starts to play it.

  3. euquinta Says:

    Try right-clicking on “Download” and later “Save link as”.

  4. flaviobrunner Says:

    Thank you very much. It worked.

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