Do you want to know how to improve your English quickly and easily?
Practice listening with our Free Online English learning podcasts.
How it works:
I find that many students can read English quite well but their speaking and listening ability is really poor. Their vocabulary is big enough and they know the English grammar rules on tests but they still can’t speak well and they don’t listen well either. Is this your problem? If you are learning English and you can read this article right now then your English vocabulary is good enough to really start listening, even if it seems hard at first. Make sure you look at our free study guides with each English learning podcast. If you are listening to something and you don’t understand anything at all then it is a waste of time.
However, if you are listening to something and you can understand the main idea of what is being talked about, and can understand some explanations then that is perfect. If you keep listening to a level that challenges you but isn’t too hard then you will improve your listening and even your speaking. If you understand enough, even if there is a lot you don’t understand at first, your brain will slowly start to hear the way real native speakers talk and you will begin to speak the words in a natural way. It will just come out of your mouth naturally and you won’t have to think about the grammar rules. Just like when you speak your own language. You don’t need to think. It just comes out. Think about listening to music. If you hear your favorite singer singing a song, after a while, you can sing the words too, even if you don’t sound good when you sing. You have probably noticed that sometimes you can’t get the song out of your head. You can hear the song in your mind. It’s much easier to remember then if you just read the words to a song but didn’t hear it. This is the same thing that will happen to you if you listen to enough material when you are learning English. Its good to listen many times to the same thing. This will help the words come out of your mouth naturally.
We’ve built this Free online English learning podcast for you to not only learn some new words and how to use them, but also just to listen to the way we speak as native speakers. Keep listening. We hope you enjoy it. Put our free English learning podcasts on your mp3 player and listen to them on your way to work, when walking, or whenever. Your English will improve quickly. People will start to tell you how smart you are.
Please give us your comments about what you would like to hear and we will do our best to talk about it on the show. Tell us about yourself. We’d love to get to know you better. Help us tell as many people as you can about our free online English learning website and we will keep making Free English learning podcasts for you to listen to. We’re so glad that you came here.
If you have any question about learning English, then just ask. We’d love to help you.
Andrew and Addison
September 23rd, 2011
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